The College has a full fledged dispensary functioning from 11.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m in the morning and from 4.30 p.m to 6.00 p.m. in the evening. This dispensary is headed by the Dr. Ms. M. Hemavathy, M.B.B.S.. More than 500 students and 50 staff members are benefitted by this facility per month. The college is spending about Rs. 3 lakhs per annum towards medicine and maintenance.
All the students and staff enjoy free medical service at the dispensary. All the medicines needed for general problems are available at free of cost.
A staff nurse is available 24 hours to provide medical facility for any major problems like surgeries, trauma care etc. They are generally referred to Shanmuga Hospital for further treatment as we have a tie-up with Shanmuga Medical and Research Institute, Ramakrishna road, Salem. The medical expenses for the staff members, who meet with accidents during their working hours, are borne by the college management.
In future, our Institution has a plan to set up a Medical Centre in an area of about 500 sq.ft. A Physician will also be made available round the clock. We do have a proposal to start an Investigation Laboratory.