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Nation Service Scheme (NSS)

The NSS unit of the institution consists of 100 socially sensitive students with deep sense of service participating in the activities of club with verve. With the unswerving support of the Management, the club further enhances the social spirit through seminars on Personality Development, donation of eye and other organs, Videography and Photography.

Youth Red Cross (YRC)

The Red Cross is an international organisation meant for humanitarian services. It is a non-religious, non-political and a non-sectarian international body.

The main objective of the Youth Red Cross of our college is to donate blood. A well defined Blood Donors' Club functions in our college and it takes care of blood grouping, conducting blood donation camps, etc., On an Average 80-100 units of blood are donated every semester. YRC is a part of the Indian Red Cross Society; it was inaugurated in August, 2003 with well defined objectives such as :

  • Protection of Health and Life
  • Service to the sick and the suffering by organising
  • Various health camps such as Eye Camps, Vaccination Camps, health awareness etc.
  • AIDS Eradication Programmes
S.No. Department Co-ordinator Name
1YRC (Overall Coordinator)Mrs. T. Divya, Assistant Professor/ Maths
2AIDSMs. K. Deepa, AP/AIDS
3CivilMrs. G. Divyasankari, AP/Civil
4CSEMrs. P. Sangeetha, AP/CSE
5ECEMr. V. Gowthaman, AP/ECE
6EEEMs. T. Divija, AP/EEE
7ITMr.G.Ashish, AP /IT
8MBAMrs. R. Shoviya, AP/MBA
9MDEMrs. B. Priyanka, AP/MDE
10MechMr. N. Thiru Senthil Adhiban, AP/Mech
11R&AMr. K. Saravanakumar, AP/R&A

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